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Some of our dairy products, transport can be by express (air) or frozen, in order to preserve their freshness

BocconciniBocconcini: a smaller form of mozzarella, available with buffalo or cow milk.

The classic weight of mozzarella is about 250 gr, bocconcini are normally around 100 gr per piece.

To use like mozzarella, the only difference is the weight.




This fresh dairy product is very suitable for frozen transport, following a precise method of freezing and  thawing as it keeps its properties and its taste almost at all.

It has an oval or round shape with a small tip at the top for a total lengthof approx. 8 cm, the weight may vary, the classic weight is still 250 g.

The original Apulian burrata is made of cow's milk, we have it also with truffles or gorgonzola, but we also offer buffalo burrata.

Burrino (semiripened cheese with butter)Burrino (semiripened cheese with butter)

Burrino is typical Southitalian kneaded-curd cheese made from cow's milk with a heart of butter.

Although its origin is found in Calabria and Apulia, the burrino of Sorrento are typical in the same way, as well as the buffalo burrino which is also recognized as a traditional food product.

It has a pear shape with a narrow stringes neck to hang which is the ideal way to store it. 


Caciottina fresca di pecora (fresh sheep cheese) Caciottina fresca di pecora (fesh sheep cheese)

In Italy there is an infinity of caciotte, to list them all is almost impossible, but the origin of all is classico sheep caciottina.

It's a semi-raw soft cheese in various sizes with its characteristic cylindrical shape.

This fresh type is vacuumpacked to allow a longer lasting shelf life.

Very light and digestible.




Caciottina alle noci (fresh buffalo or cow mozzarella with nuts)Caciottina alle noci (fresh buffalo or cow cheese with nuts)

Here creativity has exceeded its limits: based on the aromatic buffalo milk mixed with the aroma of walnuts  into a caciotta.

The result is a unique blend of two flavours into a new, unique one.

Perfect with red wine.


Caciotta di bufalaCaciottina di bufala (Buffalo cheese)

Its shape is very similar to Burrino, but with a very different taste that goes closer to mozzarella due to its base of buffalo milk.

A very tasty, light and fresh cheese.



CiliegineCiliegine (Cherry mozzarella)

One could call them also minimozzarellas as they have the same shape of mozzarella, only in a small version.

Normally the weight of each peace is 25 g, the name probably comes from the combination with cherry tomatoes which always recalls the size of cherries.

Available from buffalo


Mozzarella di bufalaMozzarella di bufala campana (Campanian buffalo mozzarella)

The buffalo mozzarella is only one: the one from Campania

Unique, of protected origin and it should be eaten, as well as burrata, bocconcini and cherries at room temperature (remove from the fridge 1 hour before consumption) developing in this way its maximum flavour.



Nodini con olive ripiene e Scamorza (small mozzarella with filled olives and Scamorza)Nodini di scamorza con olive (small scamorza pieces filled with olives)

Scamorza is a kneaded-curd cow's milk cheese, but it is also available made from buffalo milk.

Generally it has the shape of a crushed sphere.

This specific case are small scamorza pieces with a weight of approx. 15 g which have a green olive in the middle.


Provola affumicata (smoked)Provola affumicata (smoked mozarella type)

It is a typical campanian cheese which is made from cow's or buffalo milk.

The fresh product is preserved as mozzarella in a whey which preserves its freshness.

Even here the ideal size is 250 g.

Very aromatic flavour


Ricotta di bufalaRicotta di Bufala:

This is a relative unknown product, in the whole world cow's ricotta is famous and very used.

The flavour of this product is certainly much milder than mozzarella, but it offers a very particolar and delicate taste.

It is a fresh dairy product and obtained by coagulation of the buffalo milk whey.  Since July 2010, at European Level the name Ricotta di Bufala Campana has been recognized as a protected designation of origin.


 TrecciaTreccia (Mozzarella braid)

The braid is a fresh kneaded-curd cheese is as mozzarella typical in Campania.

Made from buffalo or cow's milk, it reminds a woman's hairstyle.

It can also be smoked or stuffed with olives or walnuts.

                                                              ... and there are still missing a lot more!


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